We understand that choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you have to make.

At Cathedral Grammar, the student is at the centre of all that we do. We recognise our students’ uniqueness and provide an environment where they are offered the opportunities and support which will allow them to realise their own individual potential and dreams.

We believe the success of a school cannot be measured by results alone. The success of a school is only truly reflected in the quality of the graduates who enter the world, what they bring with them and how they contribute. It is our goal to graduate students who are highly valued members of our society. 

It is our aim to make the enrolment and application process as seamless and personalised as possible, and we are here to assist you at every stage of this exciting journey. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Director of Enrolments, Nicky Oram at oramn@cathedralgrammar.school.nz or +64 3 365 0385.

The enrolment process 

To avoid disappointment, we recommend you express your interest in enrolment as early as possible. Students are accepted at Cathedral Grammar at any level between Pre-School and Year 8. Once all required documents are received and reviewed, and an experience day has been completed, an Offer of Place will be issued to successful applicants. 

New Zealand students need to provide the following items for enrolment consideration and these can be uploaded when completing the online application form:

  • A completed Application form.
  • A copy of the student's New Zealand birth certificate or New Zealand passport.
  • A copy of the student's latest school report.
  • A non-refundable application fee of $300.00 (GST inclusive). Your application fee can be paid electronically into the bank account of: The Cathedral Grammar School 010797-0068060-00.  Please use your child's surname as the reference.
  • Upon receipt of an offer of place, a $500 acceptance fee is payable.
  • If you have been advised by the Director of Enrolments that the year level you wish to enrol your child is at capacity, applicants will be invited to enrol in our waiting pool. The non-refundable application fee for the waiting pool is $100.00. If a place becomes available and accepted, the remaining non-refundable application fee of $200 is then payable.

Apply online for Junior and Preparatory School


Enrolment steps for Pre-School

  • Start the enrolment process by completing the online application form and paying the non-refundable application fee of $250.00. This ensures a place is held for your child as the process progresses. If you would like to also apply for a place for your child in the Junior School at the same time, the application fee for Junior School is $300.00. Enrolment into our Pre-School does not guarantee automatic enrolment and acceptance into the Junior School.

  • Upon receipt of your application and fee, your child's details will be loaded into our database.

  • The application and documents as provided will be reviewed by our admissions panel. Two 'play and stay' visits will then be scheduled.

  • A transfer form maybe provided by the Registrar, to be completed by the child's current ECE provider when transferring from another centre.

  • Upon completion of two 'play and stay' visits, successful applicants will be offered a place. 

Apply online for Pre-School

Enrolment steps for new entrants

  1. Start the enrolment process by completing the online application form and paying the application fee. This ensures a place is held for your child as the process progresses.

  2. Upon receipt of your application and fee, your child's details will be loaded into our database and a place held whilst we work through the enrolment process.

  3. One and a half terms prior to your child's transition to school visits, a Pathways to School form will be forwarded to you to provide to your child's current ECE provider to complete and return to us. This information will be reviewed by the admissions panel. If there are any concerns or additional needs identified from the Pathways form, we will arrange an interview with you and your child. If no interview is required, your child's placement will be confirmed.

  4. Transition to school visits will commence for your child.


Enrolment steps for Junior and Preparatory School

  1. Start the enrolment process by completing the online application form and paying the application fee. This ensures a place is held for your child as the process progresses.

  2. Upon receipt of your application and fee, your child's details will be loaded into our database.

  3. The documents as provided will be reviewed by the admissions panel. An experience day is then scheduled for successful applicants.

  4. Upon completion of an experience day, successful applicants will be offered a place.