The Cathedral Grammar School officially became an Enviroschool in 2023. We believe that each generation is the guardian (kaitiaki) of the environment for all future generations.

Enviroschools kaupapa

The Enviroschools kaupapa is creating a healthy, peaceful and sustainable world through facilitating action-learning; where inter-generations of people work with and learn from nature. It weaves in Māori perspectives, combining traditional wisdom with new understandings. Importantly, our kaupapa reminds us to be in connection: to love, care for and respect ourselves, each other and our planet. We believe that each generation is the guardian (kaitiaki) of the environment for all future generations.

The Enviroschools programme supports our children to plan, design and implement sustainability actions that are important to them and our community. We are supported by a facilitator who is employed by Enviroschools in partnership with Ecan.

A focus on the journey not just the destination supports long-term participation; lasting changes can take many years to become embedded but every step is a change in itself. Enviroschools as a movement for positive change towards a generation of innovative and motivated young people who instinctively think and act sustainably.

What does it mean for our school?

  • Sustainability Education: We will integrate sustainability principles and practices into our curriculum, encouraging students to explore and understand environmental issues.

  • Hands-on Learning: Students will have opportunities to engage in practical, hands-on projects that promote environmental stewardship and conservation.

  • Community Involvement: We will work closely with our local community, involving students, parents, and caregivers in environmental initiatives and projects.

  • Environmental Action: Together, we will take real steps towards reducing waste, conserving resources, and creating a greener campus.

  • Environmental Leadership: Our school will foster leadership skills in students, empowering them to become advocates for environmental change.

Through this exciting journey, we hope to instil a sense of responsibility and appreciation for the natural world in our students. Together, we can make a positive impact on our planet and leave a lasting legacy for future generations.