Our school is a hive of creative and cultural energy and endeavour.
Every week there are more than 300 individual instrumental music and speech and drama lessons in addition to the usual classes. Our school orchestra, stage band, rock band and string and woodwind ensembles produce an amazingly high standard for such young performers.
Our biennial Operetta involves every child in the school. In the alternate years, the seniors from our Girls’ and Boys’ Prep Schools perform the STEAMM (Science, Technology, English, Art, Music & Movement) concert at The Cathedral. The School’s annual art exhibition features at least one piece of every child’s work, while the Year 7s wow audiences with their Wearable Arts Show.
The flurry of creativity that excites, challenges and engages every student from the get-go is a springboard to a dazzling array of creative outputs. More than that, it forms the foundation of a lifetime’s appreciation of, and involvement in, culture and the arts.